Growth across generations


I began rooting these broken fragments last summer hoping for enough growth by Christmas to pot them properly for my daughter as a gift. There was, and I did.  Many moons ago, my mother gave me a Christmas Cactus that blooms annually on cue without fail. Oddly, it did not this year and I suspect this was my mother telling me the plant needs tending to…new soil and a bit of propagating which I will get to in the spring.

And now my daughter will grow the gift of Christmas blooms in her home, given with love spanning two generations.

My response to the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge, Growth.


    • Thanks Manja. Keeping fingers crossed for the newest plant to survive at daughter’s house. Not that she won’t take good care, just that my plant is so old. I am now rooting more for my sister so she will have a bit of the original plant given to me by our mother. Again, fingers crossed!

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