Thursday Lynchburg Door

Lynchburg is about an hour west of Charlottesville and where I found myself last Saturday with a group of wonderful ladies on the hunt for the perfect dress for an important date to be announced later. ♥ At the close of our venture, I saw this fantastic set of doors that stopped me in the middle of the road for a long, slow look and only a few photos.

Buzzards Roost 718 Commerce Street Lynchburg, VA
Great knockers!

The Buzzards Roost is an antique shop and how I hope for time to return and explore beyond these doors. According to their website they seem to be a promising explore. In honor of Halloween creeping up, I transitioned one photo to b & w for a bit of spookiness.

A beauty in black and white!

And this is my single doortribution for Norm’s Thursday Doors. If you have a favorite door photo or two you’d like to share, visit here to post and explore other WordPressers who also have a fondness for entryways. Until next time…


    • Aren’t they magnificent? I wonder just what that space could have been in another life to command such showy knockers? Or, did the antique store put them up? I wonder…


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