Thursday Coastal Cat Doors, #thursdaydoors

Oh. My. Goodness. I've heard of the American Eagle cruising the intracoastal waterway and now I've seen it myself.  On May 28th, Mr. E'ville and I spied this 243-foot-long ship approaching our house while sipping coffee on a brilliant, spring, Holden Beach morning. I am so happy we were home! Of course, I ran for my phone to snag some possible door photos for Dan and the other doornatics of Thursday Doors. 
American Eagle cruise ship, ICW May 28, 2024 @ 0815
here she comes
American Eagle cruise ship at 133 Ferry Road, ICW
look at all those doors
American Eagle cruise ship leaving Holden Beach, North Carolina
there she goes
The American Eagle is part of the American Cruise Lines fleet and this particular ship was on it's East Coast Inland Passage Cruise. It runs from Baltimore, M.D. down to Amelia Island, FL and the reverse trip from south to north. This ship first sailed in 2023, has 56 rooms and accommodates 100 guests. If you'd like to learn more about the itinerary and other touring packages, read here and here.
One of the many doors on this ship.
This post today is dedicated to Teagan on the release of her new novel, The Delta Pearl, and also to Dan who, I am learning just today from his Thursday Doors post, worked aboard a riverboat once-upon-a-time-ago. How apropos that just two days ago the American Eagle, that has riverboat cousins, waved hello to me? I guess it's a shippy kind of day! Until next time...🚪


  1. That’s impressive! And so close to your morning coffee — you have quite a view there! And, yes, a whole lot of doors. I think the American Eagle did that on purpose, knowing you would submit the photos to Dan!

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  2. Great photos of something I am only vaguely aware of. I know that riverboats were/are a way to get from point A to point B, but have only been on them for dinner cruises which are one big old circle within a river. Less cruise, more merry-go-round.

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  3. Denny, you are so kind — thank you for this supportive post. What a wonderful surprise.

    Wow! That had to have been so exciting to see that magnificent boat coming so close. I love your photos of it. Haha, yes that sure is a lot of doors!

    In funny coincidence… I don’t know if you would remember, but in a previous TDWC year you had a wonderful photo of a wrought iron gate that inspired a story for me… but I never used it. The story was just too big — it would have been a novel that I haven’t had time to write. But I keep being pulled back to it. I still have all my notes, so maybe one day…

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead. Hugs.

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  4. I’d say that’s perfect timing, Denese. I love those doors. I have a friend who travels the Intracoastal Waterway, but I wasn’t aware that ships this size are able to. I’m not much for cruising, but I think I could handle that.

    Thanks for adding your support to Teagan’s release news.

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    • I agree, who knew ships this size could pass through a narrow passage like the one in front of our place? They’ve just begun this tour and it is quite special to see this majesty up close. Hopefully we will see here while down here in the future.

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