Thursday Kluge Chapel Doors #thursdaydoors

I recently spent a sunny afternoon with good friends at Trump Winery located in Charlottesville, VA. I've shared other photos from this beautiful estate, but I've not made time to see up close this smallish chapel that you pass on the way up the hill to the winery. On this particular Sunday I had Mr. E'ville drop me off so I could investigate more clearly these doors and it's structure. 

Before Trump Vineyards existed, this sprawling 2,000 acre property was home to Albemarle House, owned by Patricia and John Kluge. The couple spared no expense developing their oasis including this private onsite Chapel. When the couple divorced, Patricia got most of the property and Albemarle House. She later married William Moses and together they cultivated an award winning vineyard spawned from Patricia's passion for wine. Ultimately, they achieved several internationally acclaimed wines, most notably the Kluge SP rosé and the 2001 New World Red. There is interesting background information on the Kluge estate morphing into Trump Vineyard (Albemarle House still exists) and if you'd enjoy reading the sordid details, you can do so in this 2016 Town & Country article. For a brief description and inside views of this pretty little chapel, read here. There is little other information online specific to this chapel.

Thanks for visiting me today. You can click on each of my photos above to see them in full. If you'd like to discover other interesting doors from around the globe, visit Dan's Thursday Doors. Until next time. 🚪


    • I thought so. I found it interesting that the online indoor photos of this chapel make the space appear much larger. I imagine it is a very elegant space for a christening or wedding. With the many vineyards we have here in Cville, I don’t know of any others with chapels and I’d love to know why the Kluges originally thought to put one on their property? Maybe they thought they’d live and die there? 🤔

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