Thursday Split Doors

It is a chilly, sleety day in E’ville, but as I sift through these photos from June, I feel warmth and cheer brought back to me with love from Split and my travel girls…

While hiking one day, we found this pretty little chapel but I have nothing in my notes or photos reminding me of where it was or the name.

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We walked (squeezed) through this door to climb to the top of the Cathedral of St. Domnius.

Below is one of the major doorways into Diocletian’s Palace.

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Archway within the Vestibule. I know, not a door or doorway, but too interesting not to include!

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There is something about this second story stairway and door and its worn handrail with iron posts that stopped me. And only after looking at this photo today did I see the remnants of the awning above the door.

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Had to include these simple yet beautiful gates…

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And two final doors from our days in Split.

split doors 3And now that I’ve shared all these wonderful photos with you I’m closing the door on my Croatia trip…is it time to plan for the next big adventure!!! Now click on over to Norm’s to discover what photos his other doorfanatics are sharing today at Thursday Doors. Until next time…


  1. Croatia made door hunting easy! I’m always intrigued by thin doorways – and in this case, also a very narrow staircase – I wonder why. Why was it made so small? I know people were smaller, but is the answer really that simply? It’s a mystery 🙂

    Like you, I always try to pick out a favourite. I think you can guess mine … that narrow staircase. As much as narrow spaces unnerve me, I’d want to explore!

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    • That narrow staircase took us to the top of St. Domnius, and there was so very little room in the cathedral tower as it was. I will in another post share some other views with you our hike up these stairs…quite tight!

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    • Can you imagine if we voted for favorites? We’d never leave Thursday Doors…but I almost do this with every post I read, find a favorite. If there is a red door involved THAT usually narrows it down for me!

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  2. That IS a skinny door and I love the stone no-door. We found lots of little chapels in France and since they had plaques or signs, I always took pictures of them so I could remember the names of the chapels. That reminds me that I should post about some of them soon. 🙂


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    • I do the same Janet, photographing the plaques, signs, stones marking where I am. It is a terrific aid at the end of the day and trip for jogging ones memory! Nothing this time. Nor do I have any pics before or after to give the slightest hint, either. It was very frustrating. But the chapel doors were sweet and glad you liked them, too.

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