Thursday Farmville Doors, part 1

Last weekend Mr. E’ville and I took a last-minute trip to Farmville, also known as Greenfront, to furniture shop. Farmville is located directly south and approximately 70 miles away from Charlottesville. It takes us about 1.5 hours to get there because we travel two-lane back roads and usually encounter a tractor or Sunday driver along the way. The farms and countryside are lovely distractions and I enjoy driving these roads no matter the traffic. Hampden-Sydney College is nearby as is Longwood University. My last visit to Farmville I shared with you my biking adventure on the Highbridge Trail with my CoffeeGirls.

So Saturday we were successful finding the few pieces of furniture we were in search of for our new Holden Beach haven but most important, there were interesting doors lining Main street and the several buildings that make up this furniture and accessories destination. Here are a few of the ones that reached out to me:



I will share more next week in addition to my odd experience in building #5. Thanks to Norm for hosting us this and every week! I do appreciate you giving us all a place to gather. Here is where you can visit other door lovers from around the globe and share your photos if you’d like. Until next time…





  1. Ah quiet weekend drives on country roads. It’s like taking a mini-vacation close to home isn’t it?
    I love all the warm brick in these shots. It sure seems like an ideal place to poke around and explore when you’re not in a hurry to get anywhere. My idea of a perfect day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When I was growing up, our family vacationed on a relative’s farm in that area (maybe only 30 miles south). Thanks for bringing back some nice memories while sharing a few neat looking doors.

    Liked by 1 person

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